HUD’s Office of Fair Housing & Equal Opportunity (FHEO) is pleased to sponsor the release of Advancing Fair Housing at the State Level: Lessons from California and Other States’ Efforts to Affirmatively Further Fair Housing (AFFH). This case study includes feedback from fair housing organizations and local, regional, and state government agencies across California. In addition, this resource discusses examples from other states’ fair housing efforts.Specifically, this case study offers resources on:Enacting AFFH into state lawSupporting and monitoring local and regional fair housing planningIncentivizing affordable housing development in well-resourced areasDeveloping anti-displacement tools and renter protection policiesInvesting in community revitalization
Who Should Use This Case Study? The case study is primarily designed for state governments but includes lessons for all HUD program participants, especially large entitlement jurisdictions that coordinate fair housing activities among a broad set of actors or programs.