Utah Homeless Network Vision

Contribute to making homelessness in Utah rare, brief and non-recurring by aligning activities and creating a seamless continuum of services across Utah’s three Continuum of Care (CoC) programs.

Utah Homeless Network Mission

Coordinate CoC-related advocacy and educational efforts across CoCs.

  • Create an annual legislative agenda and empower CoC membership to engage in advocacy.
  • Educate legislators, politicians, government entities, and other groups about homelessness and best practices

Facilitate inter-CoC collaboration and peer support.

  • Align and establish core standards and expectations for client services.
  • Coordinate HMIS governance and oversight across the CoCs.
  • Foster inter-CoC performance improvement, service coordination, and strategic planning.

Utah Homeless Network Values

  • We provide mutual support around a common vision, recognizing that the strength of each CoC contributes to the strength of the whole and that geographic boundaries do not necessitate boundaries in service provision.
  • We seek out, apply and integrate best practice models in homeless service policy and practice.
  • We advocate for and implement client-centered practices at all levels of homeless service discussion and practice.
  • We use accurate, real-time data to drive decision-making.
Utah Homeless Network Structure

Utah Homeless Network Leadership Group (leadership group):
Membership: The Utah Homeless Network Leadership Group (leadership group) is officially made up of a member of the executive committee from each of the three CoC boards in Utah and a second representative from each Utah CoC, who is designated by that CoC or that CoC’s board consistent with that CoC’s governance charter.

Purpose: The purpose of the leadership group is to establish and achieve the goals and vision of the Utah Homeless Network, including strategic planning, advocacy efforts, CoC alignment, coordinating HMIS oversight and the creation of sub-committees as needed. The leadership group will be responsible for communicating and maintaining support for Utah Homeless Network activities with their respective boards. The leadership group will also be responsible for any public facing materials and messaging on behalf of the Utah Homeless Network.

Meetings: The Utah Homeless Network leadership will meet at least quarterly or more frequently as needed. Each year the leadership group will hold a planning meeting to review and update guiding documents and develop a work plan for the coming year.

Utah Homeless Network Collaborative Applicant Group

Membership: The Utah Homeless Network Collaborative Applicant Group is made up of the CoC Coordinator/collaborative applicant from each of the three CoCs and may include multiple staff persons or participation from CoC board members as needed.

Purpose: The purpose of collaborative applicant group is to facilitate inter-CoC coordination in a way that mutually strengthens each continuum of care. This coordination is specific, but not limited to, CoC application preparation and evaluation, day-to-day CoC operations and any other tasks associated with CoC administration. Issues that require higher-level coordination and board support should be passed to the leadership group.

Meetings: The collaborative applicant group will meet quarterly at minimum, with more frequent meetings around the CoC NOFA.  Each year the collaborative applicant group will hold a planning meeting to develop the collaborative applicant Utah Homeless Network work plan in conjunction with the priorities and tasks established by the leadership group.

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Utah Homeless Network HMIS Monitoring Subcommittee

Membership: At a minimum, the Utah Homeless Network HMIS Monitoring Sub-Committee is made up of three members of the leadership group, one from each respective CoC. These individuals will be responsible to determine the full makeup of the sub-committee for the current year and recruit additional members as needed. Collaborative applicants and HMIS steering committee members representing the CoC should be consulted to inform the activities and content of the monitoring visit if they are not officially sitting on the subcommittee. Proposed members should not have a direct conflict with the HMIS Lead. Once members of the sub-committee are identified, they will maintain their place on the sub-committee for one monitoring and evaluation cycle.

Purpose: The purpose of the sub-committee is to conduct an annual monitoring of the HMIS lead, including performance, activities, staffing, budget, compliance and operations. The three members of the sub-committee who also sit on the leadership group are responsible for ongoing communication with the leadership group and their own CoC boards to receive input on the monitoring process.  Coordinating the monitoring and oversight for HMIS through the Utah Homeless Network helps avoid duplication for Utah’s single, statewide HMIS system.

Meetings: Each year the sub-committee will develop a schedule for monitoring activities. Meeting date, frequency and participants will be based upon that schedule.

Communications & Establishment Plan

Within each CoC: Each CoC will bring the Utah Homeless Network guiding document to their board and membership for introduction in February/March and propose a Utah Homeless Network update be included on CoC board meeting agendas at least quarterly. Each CoC will also disseminate guiding documents broadly through mailing lists. Each CoC will include a reference to the Utah Homeless Network as a committee with ongoing CoC participation in their CoC’s governance charter or bylaws, including a process to designate representation on the Utah Homeless Network leadership group.

Externally: Utah Homeless Network leadership will identify a website to post Utah Homeless Network guiding documentation and informational sheets. Each year, the Utah Homeless Network will develop a legislative agenda and communications plan for state legislators.

Conflict of Interest

Utah Homeless Network members must abide by the following rules in order to avoid conflicts of interest and promote public confidence in the integrity of the Utah Homeless Network and its processes. Failure to honor these rules will be grounds for removal from the Utah Homeless Network and any of its committees.

  1. Members may not participate in or influence discussions or resulting decisions concerning the award of a grant or other financial benefit to:
    • Any organization that they or a member of their immediate family represents; or
    • Any organization from which they or a member of their immediate family derives income or anything of value.
  2. Whenever CoC Board members or any of their immediate family members have a financial interest or any other personal interest in a matter coming before the Board or one of its committees, they must:
    • Fully disclose the nature of the interest; and
    • Withdraw from discussing, lobbying and voting on the matter.

Any matter in which Utah Homeless Network members have an actual conflict of interest will be decided only by a vote of disinterested individuals. If a proposed group or sub-committee member has a conflict with one or more of the primary purposes of that group or sub-committee, that body will notify the leadership group who will conduct a vote of disinterested individuals to determine whether the conflict is substantial enough to warrant the proposed member not participate in that group or sub-committee. If that member is not approved, the leadership group will work with the associated CoC to identify a replacement member, alternative form of representation or alternative form of input from that CoC.