Executive Committee of the Board of Directors

  1. The Executive Committee, with support from the Collaborative Applicant (CA) will: oversee the day-to-day activities of the CoC, represent the BoS CoC as needed, engage with assigned regional areas to further BoS CoC integration and coordination, sign letters of support and other BoS CoC correspondence as needed, set the agendas and select the dates for BoS CoC meetings, and attend Board meetings and strategic planning sessions.
  2. The chairs rotate through chair-elect, chair, and past chair positions on a bi-annual basis.
  3. As a past chair rotates off the executive committee, a new chair-elect is elected by the Board’s directors as outlined in the BoS CoC P&P. 
  4. To avoid potential conflict of interest, the Board’s directors will make every effort to fill the Chair and Chair Elect positions with non-service providers. If the Board’s directors are unable to solicit non-service providers to fill positions, service providers may be considered. Service providers holding any board position should recuse themselves when conflict of interests arise.
Co-ChairLauren NavidomskisLantern Houseexecdir@lhou.org
Co-ChairDaneen AdamsOpen Doorsdadams@opendoorsutah.org
Chair ElectAndrea BeadlesWeber Housing Authorityabeadles@webercounty.org
SecretaryRyan SteinbeigleDavis County
Collaborative ApplicantPeggy Green – Homelessness Systems Coordinated TeamState Office of Homeless Servicesohs_hsc@utah.gov

Board of Directors

  1. Board role and size: The board is responsible for overall policy and direction of the BoS CoC and delegates responsibility of day-to-day operations to the Collaborative Applicant (CA) staff and BoS CoC steering committees. The board shall have up to 19, but not fewer than 13 members.
  2. Terms: All board members shall serve three-year terms, and are eligible for re-election for up to three consecutive terms.
  3. Meetings and notice: the board shall meet at least quarterly
  4. Board elections:
    1. The Board includes a representative from each of the 11 LHCs contained within the BOS CoC. In addition, the Board includes one homeless or formerly homeless person who may be nominated from any of the LHCs (see LHC table).
    2. Additional Nominees will be selected by the board training steering committee and will follow the nominee criteria established by the board training steering committee. New board members and current board directors shall be elected or re-elected by the full membership during the annual meeting.  Priority will be given to having a board member from the lived experience and Youth Action/Advisory board steering committees. 
  5. Participation requirements: a board member will be replaced if they have more than 2 unexcused absences in a calendar year. 
  6. The Bos CoC Board of Directors is responsible for the quarterly review of financial performance of BoS CoC grantees and will provide guidance to the CA on any action regarding performance. 
  7. Board members are required to sign a Conflict of Interest form no less than annually or as possible conflicts of interest arise. 
  8. The Board of Directors will select members to serve as the CoC’s representatives on the HMIS Steering Committee, Utah Homeless Network, BoS CoC steering committees, and any other groups that the BoS CoC requires membership of. 
  9. Directors of the BOS CoC Board, with support from the CA, oversee: governance, performance, the prioritization process, competitive submission, planning grant reporting, strategic planning, policy creation, and election of Board Chairs and operations of the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). The directors also coordinate with LHC chairs and vice-chairs on best practices and program implementation, as well as support LHC strategic planning.
  10. This process for Board selection will be considered, reviewed, and updated at least annually, or as needed, by the BoS CoC.
Co-ChairLauren NavidomskisLantern Houseexecdir@lhou.org
Co-ChairDaneen AdamsOpen Doorsdadams@opendoorsutah.org
Chair ElectAndrea BeadlesWeber Housing Authority abeadles@co.weber.ut.us
SecretaryRyan SteinbeigleDavis Countyrsteinbeigle@co.davis.ut.us
Bear River LHC Jess LuceroUtah State University Department Head & Associate Professorjessica.lucero@usu.edu
Carbon-Emery LHC Renee RasoSoutheastern Utah Association of Local Governmentrraso@seualg.utah.gov
Davis LHC Ryan SteinbeigleDavis Countyrsteinbeigle@co.davis.ut.us
Grand LHC Rhiana MedinaMoab Valley Multicultural Centerdirector@moabmc.org
Iron LHC R. Scott PhillipsCedar City Councilsphillips@cedarcity.org
San Juan LHC Mack McDonaldSan Juan County Administrative Officemmcdonald@sanjuancounty.org
Six County LHC Debbie MayoNew Horizons Crisis Centerdebbiem@nhcrisiscenter.org
Tooele LHC Karen KuipersTooele County Housing Authoritykaren@housingtc.org
Uintah Basin LHCKim DieterUintah Basin Association of Governmentskimd@ubaog.org
Washington LHC Mike BarbenSaint George Housing Authoritysghousing@infowest.com
Weber-Morgan LHC Kristen MitchellYouth Futureskristen@yfut.org
VeteransMeisha JensenVeterans Administrationmeisha.jensen@va.gov
Lived ExperienceKatheryne KnightSwitchpoint Community Resource Centerkay.focus2020@gmail.com
YouthHeidi RuggYouth Futures Cedar Cityhrugg@yfut.org
Law EnforcementAnna DavidsonOgden Police Department – Homeless Servicesannadavidson@ogdencity.com
Domestic ViolenceJill AndersonCAPSAjill@capsa.org

Board of Directors Non-Voting Members

BOS Executive Committee SecretaryRyan SteinbeigleDavis Countyrsteinbeigle@co.davis.ut.us
BOS Collaborative ApplicantPeggy Green – Homelessness Systems Coordinated TeamOffice of Homeless Servicesohs_hsc@utah.gov