The Utah Balance of State brings together representatives from each Local Homeless Council to provide focus and coordination to areas of the homeless systems in the eleven areas of the state.
Coordinated Entry Workgroup
The Coordinated Entry Workgroup has been established to develop coordinated assessment policies and procedures and oversee all aspects of implementation. This committee is made up of a Coordinated Entry Lead from each LHC. They are also charged with the responsibility to outreach and to educate local communities about coordinated entry. Responsibilities include:
- Monitoring implementation and effectiveness of the Coordinated Entry System
- Ensure nondiscriminatory processes while still prioritizing clients with the highest need
- Identify best practices statewide
- Hold quarterly meetings with all LHC Coordinated Entry Leads
- Review and update BOS Policies and Procedures annually
- Develop measures of effectiveness and review outcomes
- Report quarterly to the BOS Board
Balance of State Coordinated Entry Access Points
Coordinated Entry in the Utah Homeless Management Information System (UHMIS)
Role | Name | Email Address | |
Co-Chair | Toni Tuipulotu | | |
Co-Chair | Julie Sloan | | |
BOS Staff Support | Margay Witzdam | | |
Performance Evaluation Workgroup
The Performance Evaluation workgroup has been established to provide support to Balance of State Local Homeless Councils and agencies via reviewing BoS SPM (System Performance Measures) to assist in identifying gaps, areas of improvement, and help form data goals and initiatives within the local homeless response system. By monitoring performance measure outcomes, it is possible to create a baseline from which to improve upon, gauge program outcomes, and inform the programmatic approach that should be taken to end homelessness.
- Report quarterly to the BOS Board.
- Review BoS SPMs 1 and 2-7 that OHS pulls on a regular basis.
- Discuss program effectiveness based on outcomes from SPMs and evaluate what improvements are needed.
- Share SPM data and information from workgroups to LHCs to discuss and strategize for improvements.
- Identify and bring in additional data sources beyond HMIS to inform the homeless service system (DV, Healthcare, criminal justice data)
- Assist in final review and submission of the System Performance Measures before they are submitted to HUD as requested and directed by the OHS Data Team – submitted yearly
Members include:
- The BOS Representative on the UHMIS Steering Committee is the suggested Chairperson of this workgroup.
- A representative from each LHC in the BOS
- A representative from UHMIS team
- BOS Collaborative applicant(s)
- Identified Chair – self-nominated/volunteer (no vote required)
Resources: UHMIS website | HMIS Training Slides | HMIS
Role | Name | Email Address |
Chair | Melissa Friegang | |
BOS Staff Support | Margay Witzdam | |
Point in Time Workgroup
The Point-in-Time (PIT) Count Workgroup has been established to oversee the work of the annual unsheltered PIT count and quarterly sheltered PIT counts. This committee is made up of a PIT lead from each LHC. Members work closely with the State of Utah PIT coordinator and HMIS team to assure HUD regulations for the count are adhered to and adequate support is available locally. Responsibilities include:
- Review HUD PIT planning documents & create plan to implement the PIT Count statewide
- Hold quarterly meetings with all LHC PIT Leads
- Create method for unsheltered count
- Compile list of Emergency Shelter and Transitional Housing projects that should participate in the PIT
- Review PIT results and determine how to use the information to improve services for persons experiencing homelessness
- Set deadlines and help ensure agencies are submitting required information in accordance with those deadlines
- Attend state training regarding administration practices and reporting requirements
- Volunteer recruitment
- Assist in writing the final report to HUD
- Assist in preparing and submitting the HIC report
- Report quarterly to the BOS Board
Role | Name | Email Address |
Chair | Kim Dieter | |
Data Team Staff Support | Libby Hughes | |
BOS Staff Support | Tyeson Rogers | |
Youth Action & Advocacy Workgroup
Role | Name | Email Address |
BOS Staff Support | Gabriel Roca | |
Co-Chair | Heidi Rugg | |
Co-Chair | Ryan Steinbeigle | |
Youth Action Board Chair | Lauren Affant |
Our vision is a Utah where every young person has a safe and stable place to call home. We are committed to ending youth homelessness by ensuring that all youth have access to affordable housing and comprehensive supportive services. Through collaboration, innovation, and compassion, we will create a community where every young person can thrive and reach their full potential.
Purpose of the Workgroup:
The purpose of the Youth Action Workgroup is to empower youth leaders, including those with lived experience, to guide, define, and improve the systems that prevent and end youth homelessness in the Balance of State.
Are you interested in helping our state develop a plan to address youth homelessness?
By being a part of YAB you will provide suggestions to improve programming and services for youth in your community. This is an opportunity for you to share your experiences, knowledge, and how it feels or felt to be homeless.
- Must be 15 – 24 years of age
- Must commit to one meeting per month (stipend for participation)
- Experienced homelessness or are currently experiencing homelessness, suggested not required
Systems Advocacy Workgroup
Committee works with community partners in the BOS CoC to explore opportunities for collaboration and establishment of new partner relationship. Duties include:
- Grant Writing outside of HUD CoC NOFO Competition
- Legislative Tracking
- Fundraising Education
- Low Income Housing Tax Credit Education, updates and development
- Report quarterly to the BOS Board
Role | Name | Email Address |
Co-Chair | Anna Davidson | |
Co-Chair | Jon Graff | |
BOS Staff Support | Lainee Meyers | |