What is Coordinated Entry?
The SLVCEH Coordinated Entry (CE) program operates throughout the Salt Lake County region. It connects people experiencing homelessness to housing programs, and simplifies the process of finding housing.

Am I eligible?
Coordinated Entry strives to have housing options available for anyone experiencing homelessness. Currently, CE has housing options for the following populations:
- Youth ages 18-23
- Veterans
- Families with children (at least one minor in household, or 3rd trimester pregnancy)
- Chronically homeless adults (12+ months of homelessness in the last 3 years)
What housing programs can CE connect me to?
Coordinated Entry connects people to the following housing programs (eligible populations listed for each program):
- Family Rapid Re-Housing: families with children
- Youth Rapid Re-Housing: transition-aged youth, ages 18-23
- VASH vouchers: veterans
- Bridge vouchers: chronically homeless adults and families with children
- Bud Bailey: chronically homeless families with children
- Palmer Court: chronically homeless adults and families with children
- Grace Mary Manor: chronically homeless adults
- Wendell: chronically homeless adults
- Magnolia: chronically homeless adults
- Kelly Benson: chronically homeless adults age 55+
How do I get help?
If you are experiencing homelessness and are getting help from a professional homeless services agency, ask them to connect you to Coordinated Entry.
Or, you can meet with the Coordinated Entry Navigator to be added to the By Name List. The CE Navigator has weekly office hours at the following locations around Salt Lake County, and can help you connect to housing programs:
The CE Navigator can see people experiencing homelessness on a walk in basis, or you can call ahead: 385-465-5935.
How does it work?
The Coordinated Entry Program maintains a By Name List (BNL): a comprehensive list of everyone experiencing homelessness in Salt Lake County who is in need of housing. People are added to the BNL by a variety of homeless service providers throughout the community, including shelters, outreach teams, behavioral health service providers, and more.
On a weekly basis, people from the BNL are prioritized for housing programs they are eligible for. Prioritization considers many different vulnerability factors, and connects those with greatest needs to housing programs first. Prioritization factors include, but are not limited to:
- Lifetime length of time experiencing homelessness
- Mental health conditions
- Substance use disorders
- Health conditions
- Marginalized populations (people of color, LGBTQIA2S+ folks, asylees, refugees, etc)
- History in supportive housing programs
- Unsheltered status
What other housing resources are there, besides Coordinated Entry?
The Coordinated Entry Apartment wait list form can get you on the list for the following housing programs that require income, and are focused on serving people experiencing homelessness. See online form for more information:
- The Point – Airport location
- The Point – Fairpark location
- Richmond Flats
- The Other Side Village
The Affordable Housing website can also connect you to a variety of housing options, with local housing authorities and other housing providers: https://www.affordablehousing.com
I still have questions, who can I contact?
Contact Coordinated Entry Program Manager with any additional questions: nshewell@saltlakecounty.gov, or 385-468-7142.
I’m a service provider. How can I get involved with Coordinated Entry?
Service providers interested in getting involved can contact Natalie Shewell: nshewell@saltlakecounty.gov
Coordinated Entry System Standards (Approved 9/20/2019)
For current CE-participating service providers:
Housing History Verification Form
Homelessness History Verification Form
Are you seeing a gap/problem area in the CE system in Salt Lake County, or have an improvement idea? Submit your feedback here! Submissions are reviewed monthly by the Coordinated Entry Committee, which has representation from:
- 1999 Collective
- Asian Association Human Trafficking Housing Programs
- Odyssey House FACT Team
- Sacred Circle
- TRH Gail Miller Resource Center Case Management
- TRH Housing Navigation
- Veterans Administration
- VOA Youth Resource Center