The Statewide Learning Exchange is a bimonthly virtual meeting hosted by the Office of Homeless Services (OHS) to enhance coordination and learning among service providers and community partners. These meetings are open to Local Homeless Council Members, community partners, and volunteers. They occur on the third Thursday of every other month, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The meeting aims to improve program and system effectiveness through focused educational opportunities. Each session includes a subject matter expert and features a focus on either a HUD CFR or a Statewide Strategic Plan item, with meaningful ideas on how these can be implemented at the local level.

Statewide partners may contribute ideas for topics via this survey.

Meeting attendees are asked to complete a post-meeting survey to help direct future sessions.

Subscribing via email 

  1. Open your email client
  2. In the To: field, type the group’s email address, followed by +subscribe before the @ symbol
  3. Reply to the email to confirm your subscription
  4. After a short waiting period, you should join the group

You can also change your subscription settings, such as whether to receive emails, digests, or summaries. 

Legislative Session Information

The following information and links are taken from

Cities, Towns, and Counties Information 

Public Comments in Committees

Social Services Appropriations: Must contact 801-538-1034 before 1 p.m. [Day before meeting] to be considered. Please identify which agenda item you want to comment on, the date of the agenda, and the name of the organization you will be representing (if applicable). All public testimony is subject to the discretion of the chairs. Anyone participating remotely must (1) enable camera and (2) state place of residence (city only is okay).