Local Homeless Councils provide the foundation for community wide systems and are instrumental in determining gaps, priorities and funding for the community wide homeless response system. LHCs are defined in the state by a county or group of counties – often aligned with the Associations of Governments (AOGs). The state of Utah hosts 13 Local Homeless Councils within 3 Continuums of Care. The Mountainland and Salt Lake regions act as both a CoC and an LHC – the Balance of State (BoS) has 11 LHCs.

  • Develop and implement local homeless plan
    • LHC leadership is involved coordinating service provider funding requests and making recommendations to the UHC
  • Develop and implement measurements and benchmarks
  • Prioritize and coordinate funding to implement supportive service programs to reduce and prevent homelessness
  • Use HMIS to report and manage results
  • Develop a “pathway” to self-reliance for the homeless

Local Homeless Council Quarterly Information Sheets

Local Homeless Council Learning Exchange

A statewide meeting facilitated by OHS to coordinate systems, learning opportunities for services providers and a space for community reporting. Discussions of funding are not included in this meeting. Attendees include LHC Leadership, LHC Committee Leads, and Service Providers as designated by the LHC. Held every other month on the third Thursday; 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (Virtual)